Julien Guillot Sale! Take 15% off all Guillot wines through Tuesday 12/24 (Discount Applies in Cart)

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Matassa Coume De L'Olla Blanc 2023 750ml

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A single vineyard blend of Macabeu, Muscat Petit Grains, and Muscat d'Alexandria that Tom acquired in 2013. The wine spends two weeks macerating on the skins, lending Tom’s signature rocky texture and minerality to this floral orange wine with notes of dried apricot and garrigue.

  • Matassa VDF Blanc 2023 750ml

    Matassa VDF Blanc 2023 750ml

    A blend of Grenache Blanc and Macabeu from vines averaging nearly one hundred years of age. The Macabeu is macerated for two weeks before being blended in the with directly-pressed Grenache Blanc for aging on the lees in large foudre. This is Tom’s most mineral driven orange wine.


  • Matassa Cuvee Marguerite Blanc 2023 750ml

    Matassa Cuvee Marguerite Blanc 2023 750ml

    Age of vines: 50 years old

    Exposure: Mixed


    Fun facts:The wine is a blend of three parcels and named after Tom's wife Natalie's grandmother. 

    Appellation: Vin de France

    Winemaking:Whole-cluster maceration. The grapes are co-fermented in concrete. The wine is then racked to 2500L foudres to age on the lees.


  • Matassa Brutal Macabeu Blanc 2023 750ml

    Matassa Brutal Macabeu Blanc 2023 750ml

    *Limited to 1 Bottle per customer, additional bottles will be refunded 
